We are Q-linea
Q-linea is a company of thinkers and makers who develop solutions for improved infection diagnostics. Since 2008, we have worked hard to create innovative technologies with a keen focus on improving sepsis treatment while reducing antibiotic resistance.
Back in 2008, three people crammed into an office the size of a cleaning closet were working on an idea. That idea led to an international team with a single focus – to improve sepsis treatment.
Here’s the story:
It all started…
In the scientific and innovative environment of Uppsala University in Sweden, our founders had the idea for a biosecurity application. It would be based on proprietary (non-PCR) technologies for molecular identification of bacteria, mainly for detecting biological warfare agents (such as anthrax and smallpox). Shortly after, a small office was rented and three people were hired to develop this idea. Q-linea was born.
We also made our first big investment: a coffee machine.
Now you might be wondering how a company that was developing systems for detecting biological warfare agents ended up developing a rapid AST (antimicrobial susceptibility testing) system. The story is not as complicated as it sounds.

Sushi, pizza and rapid AST
As our team continued to grow, an evolution in rapid bacterial ID techniques from positive blood cultures was happening in the world of infectious disease diagnostics. From this, a market niche for AST-only systems that could match the speed and accuracy of these new ID methods had opened.
We realised that our years of knowledge could be put to good use in the field of AST and envisioned a system that could test directly from positive blood cultures to offer an unmatched value for microbiologists, clinicians, and patients. Something not just evolutionary, but revolutionary.
Taking previous lessons learned and working long nights fueled by sushi and pizza, our small but dedicated team refined components from our previous instruments to create our most sophisticated system to date – ASTar.

ASTar is our rapid AST solution. A fully automated system for phenotypic susceptibility testing that helps microbiologists and clinicians provide even faster and more accurate healthcare. What usually takes 12-48 hours using conventional methods, ASTar does in approximately six.
A team with many talents
ASTar started as an idea to help patients suffering from bacteremia and sepsis, while also supporting the healthcare professionals caring for them. The idea succeeded because the team was determined and skilled in their field, while also willing to lend a hand wherever needed.
It wasn’t strange to see the CEO in the workshop polishing components, or one of the microbiologists assembling IKEA furniture for new employees – everybody contributed to whatever needed doing.
Over the years this changed. People were hired for specific tasks and the roles became clearer. Q-linea is now a world-class company full of pioneers forging a path in the field of infection diagnostics. But every once in a while, you can still catch Anna from the microbiology team happily assembling a desk for a new colleague.

The path ahead
From a small startup to the company we are today, we have always known what we want: to future-proof healthcare and ensure that antibiotics continue to be an effective treatment for generations to come.
We also know where we come from, and how we got here. Our first investment – the coffee machine – is still making coffee, the attitude of “What we don’t know, we learn” is still an important part of our identity, and discussions of innovation still continue over lunchroom chats and afternoon coffee (or fika as we Swedes call it).
Since the first time ASTar helped a patient, we knew it was just the beginning. Now, as we continue to support healthcare professionals and the patients they care for, we tread a path to redefine the gold standard in AST technologies.
All of this is part of our story.
One of our founders, Jonas Jarvius, talks about how the story started for him:

Contact our team
We’re here for you and ready to support you. Contact us if you have any questions, or want to get a demo or a service visit.