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Q-linea as an investment

Welcome to the Investor Relations section. Here we have gathered important information about Q-linea for existing investors and others who are interested in our business.

NASDAQ Stockholm(QLINEA): Quotes are delayed 15 minutes





Q-linea as an investment

Q-linea as an investment

Welcome to the Investor Relations section. Here we have gathered important information about Q-linea for existing investors and others who are interested in our business.

NASDAQ Stockholm(QLINEA): Quotes are delayed 15 minutes





Life Science Day Presentation

Our CEO Stuart Gander presented at Life Science Day courtesy of Aktiespararna on the 17th of April 2024.

Watch the presentation here:



Future-proof Healthcare

One of our founders, Jonas Jarvius explains how Q-linea is intimately tied to his experiences of healthcare inequity, and how Q-linea is working to ensure we have sustainable and equitable healthcare, now and in the future.



Press releases

Press release


Q-linea announces the sale of warrants of series TO 1 from Nexttobe AB to Investment AB Öresund

Press release


Q-linea announces tender win in Italy

Regulatory press release


Additional allocation of units within the framework of recently completed issues
Q-linea AB (publ) (”Q-linea” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq Stockholm: QLINEA) announces today that Landegren Gene Technology AB’s notification to…
Read more >

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Christer Samuelsson

Investor Relations

Phone: +46 18 444 36 10

Mobile: +46 70 600 15 20

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The share

Information about Q-linea stock price and trading volume