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Q-linea as an investment

Welcome to the Investor Relations section. Here we have gathered important information about Q-linea for existing investors and others who are interested in our business.

NASDAQ Stockholm(QLINEA): Quotes are delayed 15 minutes





Q-linea as an investment

Q-linea as an investment

Welcome to the Investor Relations section. Here we have gathered important information about Q-linea for existing investors and others who are interested in our business.

NASDAQ Stockholm(QLINEA): Quotes are delayed 15 minutes





Future-proof Healthcare

CEO Jonas Jarvius explains how Q-linea is intimately tied to his experiences of healthcare inequity, and how Q-linea is working to ensure we have sustainable and equitable healthcare, now and in the future.



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Christer Samuelsson

Investor Relations

Phone: +46 18 444 36 10

Mobile: +46 70 600 15 20

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The share

Information about Q-linea stock price and trading volume