Corporate Governance
Q-linea is a Swedish public company based in Uppsala.
Corporate governance refers to the systems through which the shareholders, directly or indirectly, control the company. Good corporate governance is an essential component of the work to create value for Q-linea’s shareholders.
Prior to the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, Q-linea’s corporate governance was guided by the Swedish Companies Act and other applicable laws and regulations, the Company’s articles of association and internal governing documents. The internal governing documents mainly consist of the board’s rules of procedure, instructions for the president and instructions for financial reporting. In addition, Q-linea also has several policy documents and manuals containing rules, recommendations and principles, which provide guidance for the Company’s operations and its employees.
After the listing on Nasdaq Stockholm, Q-linea’s corporate governance will also be based on Nasdaq’s Issuer Rules, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (“the Code”), the Rules of Fair Practice for the stock exchange and other applicable provisions and recommendations. Companies applying the Code are not required to comply with every provision of the Code at all times. Should a company decide that a certain provision is not suited to its own unique conditions, the company may choose an alternative solution, provided that the company openly reports the deviation and the alternative solution, and explains the reasons for doing so (the “comply-or-explain” principle). Q-linea’s possible deviations from the Code are reported in the Corporate Governance Report issued prior to the 2019 Annual General Meeting. The Company did not report any deviations from the Code.