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Q-linea announces tender win in Italy

Q-linea announces tender win in Italy

Q-linea AB (publ) (OMX: QLINEA) today announces the awarding of a rapid AST tender for the Naples region.

Q-linea’s ASTar® platform has been selected to provide rapid AST for a network of hospitals belonging to the ASL NA2 in the Naples region. The contract has a value of approximately €800,000 over a 5-year period. Q-linea will work with the team to implement ASTar in the region beginning in Q2 2025 and throughout the rest of the year.

VP Sales EMEA, Franco Pellegrini, comments, “We are very pleased to see that ASTar has been selected to provide patients in the region with improved blood infection testing. This project implements the recently published guidelines by several Italian Scientific Organizations ”Diagnosis and Management of Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Infections” aiming to reduce the phenotypic antibiogram times for the administration of effective antibiotic therapy.”

Previous communication, October 29, 2024: Q-linea to participate in a multi-site public tender in Italy | Q-linea