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ASTar brochureProtokoll från årsstämma i Q-linea AB (publ) den 22 maj 2019 Swedish May 22, 2019
ASTar brochurePress release – Bulletin from Annual General Meeting in Q-Linea AB (publ)
ASTar brochure1. Notice of Annual General Meeting, Q-linea AB (publ) English April, 2019
ASTar brochure2, Board’s complete proposal (LTIP), Q-linea AB (publ) English April, 2019
ASTar brochure3, The board’s statement under Chapter 19, Section 22 of the Companies Act, Q-linea AB (publ) English April, 2019
ASTar brochure4, Proxy form, Q-linea AB (publ) English April, 2019
ASTar brochure5, The board’s report on the renumeration committee’s evaluation of renumeration to senior executives English April, 2019
ASTar brochure6, The nomination committee’s reasoned statement and report, Q-linea AB (publ) English April, 2019
ASTar brochurePress release – The proposal by the nomination committee of Q-linea AB (publ) for election of members of the board of directors
ASTar brochureAnnual report 2018 English April 17, 2019
ASTar brochure9, Auditor statement Chapter 8, Section 54 ABL renumeration to senior executives English April, 2019
ASTar brochurePress release – Notice of Annual General Meeting in Q-Linea AB (publ)